What I enjoy most in my field of working, is that ability to learn at your own pace. Whatever subject you are curious about, you can be sure that there is a way to do so.
We have endless resources to learn, and satisfy our curiosity, our passion! I do consider “Coursera” as the best platform to take online courses in prestigious worldwide universities and this is without any cost-if you choose to just gain the knowledge, not the certificate. There is a lot more of resources like udacity, topcoder, hackerrand,etc.
Software engineering is leading the World, changing our habits, and exceeding Human expectations! I really enjoy having the opportunity to participate in making the difference, as a software engineer. I’m living a continuous increasing curiosity and learning curve because it’s all about passion!
I do encourage every passionate about technology and computer engineering to just take some time, and do some search. Just google resources and you will be surrounded by millions of courses and tips. You don’t have to follow a computer engineering university degree, you just need the two words starting with “P”: Passion and Patience!